Those who know me, know my political ideologies. I have long time friends who have different beliefs and that is life, not reason to cease being friends.
I went into the past election with hope that the progress that has been made over my adult lifetime was good and safe. I lived a time when women had to wear dresses or skirts to work and school; had to have husband’s permission to make decisions about our female health and reproduction; could not get a loan or credit card without husband’s or father’s approval. Where my friends of different races not only couldn’t date and marry, but could be arrested for doing so. I remember segregation in schools. I could continue this list but you get the point. We saw positive changes in these issues and women in jobs other than clerical, nursing, teaching. Then it started deteriorating. People who were racist and bigots becoming vocal and encouraged by a leader who exhibited those same traits.
When he as a convicted felon and convicted of falsifying business records in hush money payments to an adult film actress was reelected, I had hopes that at least the checks and balance system I was taught in 12th grade government class, the three branch system would at least temper his ability to become “King” (he said it himself) or a dictator and we would continue to live in a Democracy for the people and by the people. The Cabinet members were chosen not by qualification, but rather by fealty. If your opinion is different, you are fired, or banned from press conferences, or rounded up and deported.
We are a country of immigrants. His family was, his wife is. The Statue of Liberty wears a poem by Emma Lazarus, welcoming the tired and poor seeking refuge in this great country. Instead, we are seeing an approach to remove anyone “different” than white Americans. Even the native Americans who were here first are having to carry documents to keep from being rounded up. Personally, I am horrified at what is going on.
Horrified that health safety is being lead by a non scientist anti vaxer. Horrified that the EPA Director is a climate change denier. Horrified that Roe v Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court and women again have no autonomy over their bodies. Horrified that DEI is overturned and that we are returning to a point where you can’t serve our country in the military if you are trans or openly gay. That our National Parks are being gutted. And that the President is systematically making enemies of our neighboring countries and ally countries.
Where and how will it end? How will it affect my children and grandchildren? I am old and may not see this deterioration of our democracy end. I just hope for the safety and security of family and friends who have medical issues requiring regular treatment, for family and friends who are trans or gay, for immigrants who have been forced from their homelands because of war, gangs, or poverty seeking shelter and a better life here that they stay safe.